Upcoming Event: Annual Celebration Meeting on June 6th!

Family Support

Outside of our residential program, Jericho Road aims to create ripples of change within our community. Since addiction is a family disease, those closest to the person with a substance use disorder can find their lives becoming unmanageable. Sometimes without us even realizing. At Jericho Road we strongly believe strength is in numbers, and no one needs to walk this journey alone.

Troubled by someone else's use?

Answer these quick questions to see if Family Support is right for you!

It's a family disease

Those closest to a person with a substance use disorder can commonly be overlooked. So, we have created a space specifically for them. Together, let’s navigate the hold that addiction places on us. Hosted by Amy Lauber, Continuing Care Coordinator, we maintain an anonymous, safe and confidential space for open discussion and support.

There are no costs to attend, however donations are always welcomed to help keep things running.

a woman in a gray sweater and jeans standing in front of a crowd of people
a woman in a gray sweater and jeans standing in front of a crowd of people

Sign-up for the next workshop

Get Support

Every workshop starts with a short teaching on a recovery topic

Each workshop follows with discussion and sharing time.

Family Support is open for all who wish to attend.

The workshop is held on the last Saturday of every month.

For any questions or comments, please email out to Amy.

Our primary purpose

We maintain an anonymous, safe and confidential space for open discussion and support. Focusing on those who are new to the concept of recovery, and what we can do to support one another. Read our Statement of Confidentiality.

Other fellowships
A place to connect

Can't join us in person? Join our private Facebook group, Family Support Forum, as a place to connect with others, and share experience, strength and hope. Or checkout our monthly Family Support newsletter.

Family Support Newsletter